Monday, March 9, 2015

Checking Out

Yikes! Is this me?

Sometimes we all need to check out from the world. I’ve been feeling that way though I realize there is probably some lesson here that I am supposed to learn. I’ve had quite a bit of stress on my plate and though most of it is related to good things to come it is stress none-the-less. Stress can cause flare ups despite being good or bad stress. This year will bring quite a bit of stress with it and thus I will also need to balance that with appropriate time to decompress. I’ve finished my first couple courses, qualified for a mortgage and will enter a very crazy real estate market all while doing my best to help a struggling business (not my own) stay afloat and keep a positive attitude despite the uncertainty. On top of the stress I have been experiencing frustration in those I spend the most time with. It feels like almost everyone is incapable of being self-reliant or self-sufficient…. I do believe there is a special type of patience that I am supposed to learn here. I feel like the glue in every aspect of my life and so, I had to allow myself to come unglued. I'm human, so I took some private time to have a melt down so that I could get back to life. It is good to be needed, but I also think there is a point at which it can feel as though others are taking advantage or at least shirking some responsibilities. Maybe this is another area of opportunity to draw more boundaries.

I’m excited about what the future holds, but also feel as though I’m racing against the clock in a few areas of my life. I’m looking forward to taking a week off at the end of March because it will give me time to collect myself, my thoughts and to reflect/project and most importantly some much needed time to rest so I can come back to the world refreshed. I do know that the universe will provide for my needs and that everything is as it should be. It is sometimes difficult to let go of things that are out of our control. I look forward to meeting with my ND at mid-March and perhaps beginning the process of reducing some of my protocols. There are other aspects of my health that still need attention, but mostly I have more good days than bad and for that I am grateful.

If you are feeling frustration/stress/pressure it can be helpful to find an outlet, such as screaming into a pillow. Yes, I know how strange that sounds, but can be strangely therapeutic. Give yourself plenty of tie and space to recoup from stressful events. Make sure to do something nurturing for yourself. Your needs are just as important as everyone else. Don’t forget that important aspect you caring for yourself. Depression and anxiety can easily result if you put yourself on the back burner. Stand up for yourself and draw boundaries. You’ll thank yourself later as creating boundaries can be quite empowering. Checking out is okay if it is temporary for the sake of reprieve and relaxation, but make sure you aren’t checking out from life when you are feeling depressed. It will only serve to make you feel alienated. That can be a dangerous thing to do. It is better to reach out for help once you are depressed even though it may feel like the last thing you want to do.

Spring is around the corner and I feel that good things are about to happen. I feel it in my bones.

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