Sunday, January 25, 2015

Meet Yourself Where You Are

Do you ever look back on your journey and wonder how you possibly made the journey to arrive where you are today? I remember knowing that I would never give up on myself despite the many challenges (I still feel that way), but I was never quite sure if I would get to a point where I would feel well enough to do things that I had always hoped I would be able to do. I have met myself where I am… Does that make any sense? Well, I realize there will always be some element of management to my illnesses, but I have more good days than bad and I’m thrilled to say that I have a lot of exciting plans for 2015 and the future. It is like the clouds are clearing and the sunlight is beginning to trickle through. I’m not quite sure how I got here, but I know it was a combination of hard work and effort and always looking for new options if something didn’t seem to work quite like expected along the way. I have my whole future ahead and I know it won’t be all roses and I’m ok with that… I’ll take it.

I’m thrilled to say that I started my school work this week. I am studying for my Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP) and my Nutrition Consultant (NC). I hope to have both programs completed by the end of 2015. This coursework will enhance my current knowledge as I begin to work on helping others on their journeys to wellness while they are challenged with chronic illness. In addition, some how, some way, we’ll be buying a house this year and I will be working toward launching my website for The Vital Beet all while working full-time and continuing on my own journey toward wellness. This may not sound like much to accomplish in a year, but for me it is and I’m proud I can even consider doing these things. I’m excited that none of this is scary to me… that means I am ready and that I’ve learned to set boundaries. I will be excited to look back a year from now and see where I’m at on my own wellness journey in addition to others that I will be helping in the year to come. I’m grateful for all the lessons I’ve had along the way and all the lessons I will learn not only from my coursework, but also from the experience of others.

As for my progress on the horizon, I’m doing well. There are a few things to tweak and my doctor not only is treating my genetic mutation based on my symptoms, but also some hormonal issues and pain that comes with flares. All this in addition to chelating the toxic heavy metals. In a couple of months we will look at labs, where my toxic metal load is and begin to eliminate some of the supplements and medications that I am currently on. I wasn’t sure there would ever be a day that I truly thought this would happen, but we have arrived. YAY! I’m grateful to slowly but surely get my life back.

In addition, we have been volunteering at MaxFund for the past three months and it has been so rewarding. Check out cute little Wilbur who will most certainly be adopted very quickly when he is ready. What a bundle of fun and energy. I have realized even more so how important animals can be for the healing process.
Cute little Wilbur at MaxFund

Thank you for your continued interest in my ramblings. If you are interested in or know someone that would benefit from Lifestyle Education for chronically ill, please contact me at The Vital Beet to schedule an appointment :