Here is to what may be in the new year! I'm looking forward to good things to come. 2012 offered a mixed bag, but mostly as I look back on days gone by, I think of memories with new and old friends, family. Growth from a mental, emotional and spiritual stand point. It was a good year and I believe that 2013 will have even more to offer.
I have a strange positive outlook despite the uncharted territory I will be entering with my health. I received my CD57 and C4a lab work results and my CD57 is low and C4a is high, which is positive for chronic infection. That said it is most likely Lyme and highly suspect with the other labs and survey I had completed previously. Chronic Lyme is extremely complicated to treat and there is so much controversy surrounding treatment. I'm nervous to say the least and I'm aware that this is complicated for the patient and the practitioner. That said, I'm confident that my current doctor will do everything she can to help me strengthen my immune system, which is a huge part of treatment and that may be just enough. The best thing I can do for myself is to remain level headed and positive despite what may come my way over the next year. Lyme will be with me for life and it has probably been here longer than all the autoimmune diseases. It is probably the spark that lit the autoimmune fire for me. The key is to get my body to a point where I can live in harmony with the Lyme. This may take up to a year or more... so I'm in for the long haul.... Someone please remind me that I said this if I face some frustrating moments in the upcoming journey.;-)
Oddly the bigger concern for me has been the weight gain. I've gained 30 lbs in the last 2 years. 20 lbs in 2012 and 10 lbs in 2011... This despite all the whole foods almost no grain, absolutely no gluten, very little dairy and many other things that I avoid. I eat healthy portion sizes and I also work out 5 days a week. I mix up my workout often and I push myself. I'm not afraid of a tough workout. My adrenals are healing and hopefully my cortisol levels will begin to come down, which will help. I'll begin my quarterly gut healing tomorrow, which means absolutely no dairy, grains, nightshades... for 6 weeks in addition to a new protocol. I'm hoping this will help too. I've added Pilate's and I do 9 flights of stairs each day of the work week. I'm hoping to participate in the Orange Theory 6 week weight loss challenge in the upcoming weeks. I'm going to at least check it out first. I have the additional challenge that certain movements during a workout can easily flare up my costochondritis and pelvic floor issues. I have chronic hyper tonic muscles and my ribs are hyper mobile. This is very much related to the Lyme. That said, the Pilate's has been helping and it is very rehabilitative. It has been helping with my recovery from other workouts, so I'm in a catch 22... I need to take the weight off so I'm not having so many flare ups, but in the process I may experience more flare-ups in order to get there. I've been asking for help with my weight gain for months now and I am scared at the thought of my weight inching up any more than it already has. It is time and not because of vanity or a new year resolution, but because I know if I don't make every effort, my weight gain will begin to negatively affect my health and all the other progress I've made in other areas of my health won't matter any more. I feel like I'm wearing a fat suit and none of my clothing fits properly, but the weight must and will come off. My doctors are perplexed, but will be putting their heads together to try to figure this thing out and I will make every effort to make it happen.
I have a lot to look forward to this year and a lot of hope that this will be my best year yet. This will be a year filled with joy and happiness. This will be the year that taking care of my health will be second nature and much less of a battle. It will be more harmonious and I will feel full of life instead of depleted. I will have more time for activity and things that bring me enjoyment.
Cheers to all of this and Happy New Year to my peeps! I wish you a renewed sense of life in this coming year and much support in all your endeavors.