Sunday, June 3, 2012

Impromptu Travel

Trip to Seattle

Well, I finally took that vacation that my therapist was urging me to take and it was so worth it even though it was an impromptu last minute trip. My hubby and I were lucky enough to benefit from buddy passes and we decided to fly to Seattle. We had to fly stand-by and were able to get the flight we wanted on the way to Seattle, but on the way back we were bumped and ended up sitting in the airport all day. We had great weather while we were there and really had a chance to enjoy all the city had to offer during our stay. We enjoyed Pike's Place Market and a street fair near the University. We stayed at a great hotel just a couple blocks from the recently completed light rail, which made it easy to get to and from the airport. We were downtown at 6th and Pike. It was a nice long relaxing and fun filled weekend.

Traveling has its challenges when you are gluten free, but it isn't impossible and with a little pre-planning is very doable. A couple of years ago an impromptu trip and flying stand-by would have freaked me out a little when it comes to being gluten free. It is actually the airports I worry about the most. Some airports have better options than others, but you would be so surprised what you can actually bring in terms of your own food as long as it is in its original sealed packaging and doesn't include liquid or gel like substances. Lists of do's and don'ts can be found on the TSA website. Here is a list of what I actually packed because I didn't know how long I would have to be in the airport since we had to fly stand-by and I knew these items would come in handy on our trip anyway. 

several Lara Bars
several Zing Protein Bars
several whole apples
a bag of baby carrots
a bag of almonds
a bag of Rocky Mountain Popcorn
several packages of Gluten Free Oatmeal

I had absolutely no problem getting any of these items through the scanner. I also did some online pre-searching on restaurants that support gluten free patrons in Seattle. This was really just for fun because I had a pretty good feeling that Seattle would have some really great gluten free options. I was right. I had some really great seafood while in Seattle and we ate at some really great places. I learned how to make a really great Brussel Sprout salad while I was in Seattle... so tasty!

One of my favorite things to do in Seattle is go to the Public Market. If you like to cook you'll enjoy looking at all the fresh and inspirational culinary options at the Market and the flowers are gorgeous and plentiful and so inexpensive. I had only wished I had a kitchen in my hotel room so that I could have made a fresh meal from ingredients at the Market, though it was so nice to have a break from cooking.

Even though we had to sit in the airport for the day on our way back to Denver, it was okay since it was pouring rain in Seattle and we had done so much walking the two days prior we were fine sitting and reading a few books and magazines. It was good to have the down time even if it was in the airport.

Update on Lab Testing

Well, I wish I had news and I'm anxious to get the results, but my labs are caught up in a new roll-out that the lab is in the midst of launching, so they are behind on all results. What should have taken 2 1/2 weeks is now going on 3 1/2 weeks and its difficult to know when the results will be in, so I feel a bit like I am in limbo. I cannot take next steps  or protocol without the results. My hope is that the results will be in some time next week and that I will be able to meet with my doctor the following week. I'll keep you posted on the status of my current health.

Update on Support Group Launch

I'm so proud to say that I am launching a local support group and hope to have a meeting place secured so that we can have our first meeting near the end of June. If you are interested, please join / like the facebook page: BUBL
BUBL - "Better Understanding By Listening" - An organization which seeks to support others whom are attempting to live a healthier lifestyle due to autoimmune disorders that have created food allergies or intolerances, i.e. (gluten, dairy, soy...) OR just because you have made a conscious decision to avoid certain foods because you simply feel better by avoiding them. Join the BUBL and gain a Better Understanding By Listening to each other, to your "gut", to your intuition and to practitioners, doctors and health experts. This is a community of like minded individuals from all walks of life whom share a common interest in a positive healthy lifestyle.
 I don't want others to feel like they live in a bubble based on a diagnosis and necessary lifestyle changes that need to be made as a result. It took me a while, but I initially felt like I lived in a bubble and I wanted a whimsical lighthearted positive symbol to represent this group. A mirror image of sorts by joining the BUBL you won't feel like you live in a bubble. I hope to see some of you there and I look forward to supporting others in their journey.

Until next time, I wish you love and happiness!