Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Practitioner Vacation

So, I have been giving a lot of thought to what my therapist recommended several months ago and that was to take a vacation. Since a vacation in the traditional sense is not possible at this time I starting thinking about alternatives. I'm at the point where I feel that a vacation from all of my appointments and practitioners is overdue and necessary. I'm so used to filling my free time with appointments that are geared toward maintaining my health. It takes an army at times and some of you may well be able to empathize with the craziness this can cause. It is not that I'm not thankful for my practitioners and their invaluable advice. It becomes exhausting from time to time to have at least a half dozen or so people telling you what you should be doing to maintain some aspect of your health. That is all good and well, but suddenly you may find yourself not only going to daily appointments, but also carrying out the homework assignments that those practitioners dish out for self care and then there is no free time even though your time primarily is spent on taking care of you. I've had times I've wanted to get away from me and all that being me entails. I have wished that it would not take so much effort just to function minimally. Granted I'm not in that frame of mind right now, but it is easy to get there and so it is time for a mental break from the practitioners. A much needed reprieve, so the Month of MARCH = MENTAL break/vacation. My therapist asked me what I would do with my time in March, my self imposed "Pracitioner Vacation." I simply responded, maybe nothing, maybe I'll just be or maybe I'll fritter my time away. I suppose it will give me a sense of space that I have not had in about 2 years. The past two years have been filled with so many appointments every week. I don't think I'm going to know what to do with the extra time, but I'm soooo going to enjoy it and I deserve it. That is not to say that if I have some sort of emergency in March I will certainly see my doc, but I don't think that will happen. It is time to spread my wings and fly. Time to see how I manage without all the constant care. I think I will be just fine and I'm really looking forward to it.

If you are just starting your journey for wellness, I'm certainly not suggesting that you stop any necessary care, but you may reach a point when you will feel the time is right for you to take a practitioner vacation. Trust your gut. It is important to have balance and this break for me will help with the balance in my life. You may find there will come a time that a break is necessary in order to keep the balance in your life.

In my next post I will have the results of my lab work from re-testing for parasites. I will follow-up with next steps and additional information.